Achieving Excellence Together
Marlborough Day Nursery
Our Policies
At Marlborough Day Nursery we take our responsibilities very seriously, particularly when caring for precious children. We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to ensure consistency and standards are maintained at all times whilst ensuring your child’s well-being.
One of our main values is openness which means we are honest, open and fair in our dealings with everyone we come into contact with and we know this provides reassurance to parents who choose to leave their children in our care. You can see a selection of our policies below however the full documents are available for parents to view at any time in our Nursery.
​Safeguarding children
All children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential in the five outcomes for children’s well-being which are to stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. At our Nursery we fully recognise the contribution we can make to protecting children and supporting their development whilst in our care.
​​Partnership with parents
At the Nursery we provide a welcoming atmosphere and understand that all families are important and should be made to feel welcome and valued at all times. We respect the diversity of families and the contribution they can bring to a child’s learning and development.
​Equal opportunities
We aim to promote an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated and prejudice and discrimination are challenged through positive reinforcement. We are committed to promoting an environment where everyone receives equal opportunities. We do not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, family status / background, disability, learning difficulty, ability, ethnicity, culture, religion or home language.
​Special educational needs
At Marlborough Day Nursery we aim to provide an inclusive environment that values the individuality of all children in line with our Equal Opportunities Policy. Our Nursery has a SEN Co-ordinator (SENCO) whose role is to provide support for any children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). The SENCO is named on the parents’ notice board.
​Compliments & Complaints
We believe that children and parents/carers are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. It is always encouraging when a parent/carer compliments us or a member of our staff for something we have done well. Equally it is important that parents are able to inform us of any improvements that could be made to the service we provide.