Achieving Excellence Together
Marlborough Day Nursery
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Reporting directly to Parliament they inspect and regulate services which care and educate children. Our Nursery is registered with Ofsted who inspect and regulate to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people. Their reports are impartial and during their regulatory visits they inspect our setting and ensure that we effectively support our children and deliver the aims of the EYFS framework.
We are proud of the fact that since 2010, our Nursery has been consistently rated Outstanding by Ofsted, which is the highest possible award. Our most recent inspection was May 2013. We are always happy to discuss the report with parents and carers and more importantly our subsequent actions, even in the case of our outstanding results, to ensure continuous enhancements are made to the services we provide.
Some highlights from our latest Ofsted report include:
Staff have an excellent knowledge of how children learn and provide a rich varied and imaginative educational programme, with precise assessment and planning for individual children.
​Children are highly confident and show an excellent level of independence for their age, as a result of staff practice and a carefully organised learning environment. They show superb cooperative skills when playing together.
​Partnerships with other professionals are highly effective in providing for children's needs. Children make excellent progress and transitions in and out of the nursery are exceptionally well organised to promote continuity of care and learning.
Monitoring of all aspects of practice to inform continuous improvement is rigorous, leading to exceptional practice that is worthy of dissemination to other settings.
Social skills are encouraged in preparation for later transitions through the nursery and onto school to help children play well with friends and share toys.
Safeguarding of children is outstanding because staff know the procedures and the policy is in place, reviewed and updated regularly. Safety is maintained because the premises are secure with very effective systems and staff are vigilant regarding access.